Online Weight/Mass Converter

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Weight/Mass Converter

Please enter a number:
Microgram (ug)
Milligram (mg)
Kilogram (kg)
Pound (lb)
Ounce (oz)
Gram (g)
Carat (ct)
Metric Ton (t)
Short Ton (ton)
Long Ton (lt)
Stone (st)

Early the kilogram was defined as the mass of a cubic decimeter water. Since 1901 is the kilogram a block of platinum-iridium saved in France. One liter water weights according the present norms 0.998 kg.

Often the mass and weights are confused with each other. The weight is proportional with the gravitation. On earth is the gravity is not equal everywhere, so the weight is not equal everywhere, but the mass is. If you weigh a mass on the moon, it will be 6 times lighter than on earth, because there is the gravity six times smaller. You can measure the mass in kilograms with a mass balance and the weight with a weigh-beam in Newton. You can calculate the weight with:

F is the weight in N
m = mass in kilogram
g = gravity in m/s2

The mass has a strange unit, because in the unit is a prefix. This is due to the history of the SI. The unit supposed to be equal to one liter of water. This would be called a grave. The volume unit liter is derived from the unit of length. The French thought that the unit was too big and thought that it could give problems with trading and daily use. That is why they have rejected the grave and introduced a new unit. This unit is equal to one milliliter of water. That is 1/1000 of the liter. This new unit got the name gram. This did not seem to be so practical at all and that is why they wanted go back to the grave, but with a new name. The gram was exactly one thousandth of a grave, so the new unit was kilogram, in other words: 1000 gram. That is why there is a prefix in the SI. Later the definition was rejected, because is was not so exact. Nowadays the kilogram is a block of platinum-iridium that is kept in Sèvres, France. This is not in line with the conditions. It is an instable unit, because is isn't based on a nature constant. There is a risk that the value of the kilogram could change. That is why scientists are holding up with the precise definition, but that is very difficult, because it is too difficult to refer on a nature constant.

How do you calculate mass from weight?

Mass does not change with location. To find an object's mass using its weight, the formula is Mass equals Weight divided by the Acceleration of Gravity (M = W ÷ G). Convert the weight measured in pounds to the equivalent in Newtons. In the formula for determining mass based on weight, mass is measured in Newtons.

What is my mass if I weigh 120 pounds?

The pound is a unit of weight. If your weight on Earth is 120 pounds — and if we're going to stick with Imperial units — then your mass is 3.7 slugs.

What is the formula of the Mass?

The formula mass is calculated by adding up all the atomic masses for every atom in the formula. Note: The atomic mass of an atom is the atom's mass relative to 1/12th of the mass of a carbon-12 atom on which the standard atomic mass scale is based (e.g. H = 1, C = 12, P = 31 etc).

What is the weight of a 75 kg mass?

On the surface of Earth, a person with a mass of 75kg will have a weight of around 735 N. On the moon, the same person would have a weight of around 120 N. Or around 1/6 of his weight on Earth.

If a person has a mass of 80kg, then they will weigh 80kg x 9.8m/s^2 or 784 Newtons on the Earth.

Mass means how much matter is in an object. Weight is the measure of the force of gravity on that object. For example, your body mass is the same on earth, on moon or on Jupiter but if you weigh 100 kilograms on earth, you weigh 16.6 kilograms on the moon and 236.4 kilograms on Jupiter because their gravities are different than earth.

Mass / Weight Converter Definitions

Ounce Avoir

An avoirdupois ounce is equal to 28.349523125 grams. The ounce is commonly used as a unit of mass in the United States and around the World.

Ounce Troy

A troy ounce (abbreviation: t oz) is equal to 31.1034768 grams. Today, the troy ounce is used only to express the mass of precious metals such as gold, platinum or silver.

Pound Avoir

The pound (abbreviations: lb or, sometimes in the United States, #) is a unit of mass in a number of different systems, including various systems of units of mass that formed part of English units, Imperial units, and United States customary units. Its size can vary from system to system. The most commonly used pound today is the international avoirdupois pound.

Pound Troy

Troy weight originates from the troy system of mass and dates back to before the time of William the Conqueror. The troy pound is no longer in general use. In Canada, Australia, the UK, and other places the troy pound is no longer a legal unit for trade. In the United Kingdom, the use of the troy pound was abolished on 6 January 1879. The troy pound is still used for measurements of precious metals such as gold, silver, and platinum, and sometimes gems such as opals

Conversion units for the mass and weight converter

Carats (metric) (CM), Centigrams (cg), Decigrams (dg), Dekagrams (dag), Grains (gr), Grams (g), Kilograms (kg), Micrograms (mcg), Milligrams (mg), Newtons (N), Ounces Avoir (oz), Ounces Troy (t oz), PennyWeights (pwt), Pounds Avoir (lb), Pounds Troy, Slugs, Stone (UK) (st), Stone (US), Tonnes (metric ton) (t), Tons (UK long ton), Tons (US short ton),

How to Convert Units of Weight

Conversions are performed by using a conversion factor. By knowing the conversion factor, converting between units can become a simple multiplication problem:

S * C = E

Where S is our starting value, C is our conversion factor, and E is our end converted result.

To simply convert from any unit into grams, for example, from 5 kilograms, just multiply by the conversion value in the right column in the table.

5 kg * 1000 [ (g) / (kg) ] = 5000 g

To convert from g into units in the left column divide by the value in the right column or, multiply by the reciprocal, 1/x.

5000 g / 1000 [ (g) / (kg) ] = 5 kg

To convert among any units in the left column, say from A to B, you can multiply by the factor for A to convert A into grams then divide by the factor for B to convert out of grams. Or, you can find the single factor you need by dividing the A factor by the B factor.

For example, to convert from kilograms to pounds you would multiply by 1000 then divide by 453.59237. Or, multiply by 1000/453.59237 = 2.204622. So, to convert directly from kg to lb, you multiply by 2.204622.

Acceleration Due To Gravity

Enter the acceleration due to gravity for your geographical location in metres per second per second (ms-2) or feet per second per second (fts-2).

The local gravity on earth is dependent on several factors such as latitude, height above sea-level, local geological density, etc… refer to your national geological survey data for your location or use this local gravity calculator to determine a close approximation. The default value is set to 9.80665 ms-2 which is the standard acceleration due to earths gravity.

You can also enter acceleration due to the pull of gravity for other places in the solar system such as Mars (3.71 ms-2), Moon (1.62 ms-2), Titan (1.35 ms-2) or Europa (1.31 ms-2) for example.

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