Online BTU per hour to refrigeration tons conversion

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BTU per hour to refrigeration tons conversion

BTU per hour (BTU/h) to refrigeration tons (RT) conversion calculator and how to convert.

BTU/hr to tons conversion calculator

Enter the power in BTU/hr and press the Convert button:

Result in refrigeration tons: RT

Tons to BTU/hr change Including device ►

How to change over BTU/hr to heaps

One refrigeration ton is equivalent to 12000 BTUs for every hour:

1 RT = 12000 BTU/hr

One BTU every hour is equivalent to eight.33333&instances;10-five refrigeration ton:

1 BTU/hr = eight.33333×10-five RT

So the electricity P in refrigeration tons (RT) is equivalent to the electricity P in BTUs each hour (BTU/hr) separated by 12000:

P(RT) = P(BTU/hr)/12000


Convert ten thousand BTU/hr to lots:

P(RT) = 10000 BTU/hr/12000 = 0.83333 RT

BTU/hr to tons trade table

Power (BTU/hr) Power (tons)
1 BTU/hr 8.33333×10-5 RT
10 BTU/hr 8.33333×10-4 RT
100 BTU/hr 8.33333×10-3 RT
1000 BTU/hr 8.33333×10-2 RT
10000 BTU/hr 8.33333×10-1 RT


Tons to BTU/hr conversion ►


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