Online Decimal to percent Conversion

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Decimal to percent Conversion

Decimal to percent conversion calculator

Enter a decimal number and press the Convert button:

Enter decimal number:
Percent result:

Percent to Decimal converter ►

Decimal to Percent

The decimal to percentage converter trade (flip) a decimal cost right into a percentage. As it calculates in each instructions, it is able to also function a percentage to decimal converter.

Percent manner "out of one hundred" (from Latin) and represents a ratio or number as a fraction of a hundred. We denote it with the percent sign "%":

1% = 1/100

For instance, 15% is equal to 15/a hundred and approach "fifteen out of one hundred".

Formula to transform decimal to percent

1 = one hundred%

The value V% in percentage (%) is identical to the decimal price Vd instances one hundred%:

V% = Vd × one hundred%

How to Convert a Decimal to Percent:

Multiply via one hundred to convert quite a number from decimal to percent then add a percentage sign %.

1. Converting from a decimal to a percentage is carried out via multiplying the decimal value by a hundred and adding %.

2. Example: zero.10 turns into zero.10 x a hundred = 10%

three. Example: zero.675 turns into 0.675 x one hundred = sixty seven.5%

four. The shortcut to transform from decimal to percent is to transport the decimal factor 2 places to the proper and upload a percentage signal.


zero.01 = 0.01 × one hundred% = 1%

zero.05 = zero.05 × 100% = five%

0.Three = zero.Three × a hundred% = 30%

0.35 = zero.35 × a hundred% = 35%

3.5 = three.Five × 100% = 350%

How to trade decimal over absolutely to percentage

1 = a hundred%

The esteem V% in percentage (%) is equivalent to the decimal worth Vd instances a hundred%:

V% = Vd &instances; a hundred%


zero.01 = 0.01 &instances; one hundred percentage = 1%

zero.05 = 0.05 &instances; 100 percentage = five%

0.3   = zero.Three &instances; 100 percentage = 30%

0.35 = zero.35 × 100 percentage = 35%

three.Five   = 3.5 &instances; a hundred percentage = 350%

Decimal to percent conversion table

Decimal Percent
0.001 0.1%
0.01 1%
0.02 2%
0.03 3%
0.04 4%
0.05 5%
0.06 6%
0.07 7%
0.08 8%
0.09 9%
0.1 10%
0.2 20%
0.3 30%
0.4 40%
0.5 50%
0.6 60%
0.7 70%
0.8 80%
0.9 90%
1 100%
2 200%
3 300%
4 400%
5 500%


Percent to decimal conversion ►


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