Online Kilojoules to Calories conversion

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Kilojoules to Calories conversion

Kilojoules (kJ) to calories (cal), energy conversion calculator and the way to convert.

Kilojoules to energy conversion calculator

Enter the strength in kilojoules, pick out calorie unit type and press the Convert button:

Select calorie unit type:
Energy result in calories:

Calories to kJ conversion ►

Small & huge calories

Small calorie (cal) is the power predicted to increment 1 gram of water via 1°C at a tension of one atmosphere.

Large calorie (Cal) is the strength predicted to increment 1 kg of water with the aid of 1°C at a stress of one surroundings.

Large calorie is likewise known as food calorie and is utilized as a unit of meals strength.

How to trade over from kilojoules to energy

Kilojoules to thermochemical calories

1 calth = 0.004184 kJ

1 kJ = 239.0057 calth

The power in thermochemical calories E(calth) is equivalent to the power in kilojoules E(kJ) instances 239.0057:

E(cal) = E(kJ) &instances; 239.0057


Convert 0.6 kilojoules to thermochemical energy.

E(cal) = zero.6kJ &instances; 239.0057 = 143.Four calth

Kilojoules to fifteen°C calories

1 cal15 = 0.0041855 kJ

1 kJ = 238.9201 cal15

The strength in 15°C energy E(cal15) is equivalent to the power in kilojoules E(kJ) times 238.9201:

E(cal15) = E(kJ) × 238.9201


Convert zero.6 kilojoules to fifteen°C energy.

E(cal15) = 0.6kJ × 238.9201 = 143.352 cal15

Kilojoules to big/food energy

1 Cal = four.184 kJ

1 kJ = zero.239 Cal

The power in massive/meals energy E(Cal) is equivalent to the energy in kilojoules E(kJ) times zero.239:

E(Cal) = E(kJ) &instances; 0.239


Convert zero.6 kilojoules to food energy.

E(Cal) = zero.6kJ &instances; 0.239 = 0.1434 Cal


Calories to kJ change ►

Online Energy Calculators

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Energy Calculators