Online Joules to Kilojoules conversion

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Joules to Kilojoules conversion

Joules (J) to kilojoules (kJ), energy conversion calculator and how to convert.

Joules to kilojoules converter

Enter the energy in joules and press the Convert button:

Result in kilojoules: kJ

Kilojoules to Joules conversion ►

How to transform joules to kilojoules

One joule is identical to thousandth of a kilojoule:

1J = 0.001kJ

The energy in kilojoules E(kJ) is same to the strength in joules E(J) divided via a thousand:

E(kJ) = E(J) / a thousand


Convert 500 joules to kilojoules.

The power E in kilojoules (kJ) is equal to 500 joules (J) divided with the useful resource of 1000:

E(kJ) = 500J / one thousand = 0.5kJ

The joule is the energy identical to the force on an item of one newton at a distance of 1 meter. One joule is same to the heat energy dissipated via the usage of the modern-day of one ampere via one ohm of resistance for one 2nd.

One joule is also same to the power had to flow an electric powered price of one coulomb thru a capability distinction of one volt. In addition, one joule is likewise equal to the only watt-2d.

The joule is the SI derived unit for energy within the metric system. Joules can be abbreviated as J; as an instance, 1 joule can be written as 1 J.

One kilojoule is same to at least one,000 joules, which are the energy equal to the force on an object of 1 newton at a distance of one meter.

The kilojoule is a more than one of the joule, that is the SI derived unit for power. In the metric gadget, "kilo" is the prefix for 103. Kilojoules may be abbreviated as kJ; for example, 1 kilojoule may be written as 1 kJ.

How to convert joules to kilojoules

One joule is identical to thousandth of a kilojoule:

1J = zero.001kJ

The power in kilojoules E(kJ) is identical to the electricity in joules E(J) divided via one thousand:

E(kJ) = E(J) / one thousand


Convert 500 joules to kilojoules.

The electricity E in kilojoules (kJ) is same to 500 joules (J) divided by means of one thousand:

E(kJ) = 500J / one thousand = 0.5kJ

Joules to kilojoules conversion table

Energy (J) Energy (kJ)
1 J 0.001 kJ
2 J 0.002 kJ
3 J 0.003 kJ
4 J 0.004 kJ
5 J 0.005 kJ
6 J 0.006 kJ
7 J 0.007 kJ
8 J 0.008 kJ
9 J 0.009 kJ
10 J 0.01 kJ
20 J 0.02 kJ
30 J 0.03 kJ
40 J 0.04 kJ
50 J 0.05 kJ
60 J 0.06 kJ
70 J 0.07 kJ
80 J 0.08 kJ
90 J 0.09 kJ
100 J 0.1 kJ
200 J 0.2 kJ
300 J 0.3 kJ
400 J 0.4 kJ
500 J 0.5 kJ
600 J 0.6 kJ
700 J 0.7 kJ
800 J 0.8 kJ
900 J 0.9 kJ
1000 J 1 kJ
2000 J 2 kJ
3000 J 3 kJ
4000 J 4 kJ
5000 J 5 kJ
6000 J 6 kJ
7000 J 7 kJ
8000 J 8 kJ
9000 J 9 kJ
10000 J 10 kJ
100000 J 100 kJ

KJ to Joules conversion ►

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